What are the online marketing trends for the coming year?

online trends for 2022

2021 has come to an end and we are already in 2022. The new year brings with it new trends and developments. 2021 was the year we were in a partial lockdown and ordering online is more popular than ever. With the developments of COVID-19, it is more important that entrepreneurs are adaptable and creative. This also applies to the year 2022. In this blog, we tell you what the upcoming online trends are for 2022.

#1 Snippets

With the updates to Google’s algorithm, we already saw that new features and functions had been added. Snippets are a good way to get traffic to your website. Snippets answer a searcher’s question. A snippet is also called position zero and is a special section at the top of Google’s search results. Snippets approximately have a Click Through Rate of 43 per cent. In addition to the fact that snippets have already played a major role in the past year. It is expected that they will be shown even more often in 2022.

#2 User-friendliness

Google’s algorithm determines which keyword best suits a website and determines its position in Google’s search results. This month, Google is coming out with a major update called ’Pixel’. This update has to do with the Core Web Vitals of a website. The purpose of this update is that websites should be user-friendly for everyone.

#3 Influencer marketing

Influencers ensure that followers are confronted with a brand or product positively. Companies and brands are increasingly investing in influencer marketing. For every niche, there is an influencer who would like to collaborate with a company. Due to COVID-19, more and more people are at home and more use is being made of social media. Due to the increase in the use of social media, influencer marketing has become even more important.

influencer trend

#4 Virtual reality & Augmented

With the rise of 5G, mobile and smart devices are becoming increasingly important. Many companies already communicate mostly with mobile phones. With 5G, it’s even easier. 5G offers the possibility to send and receive data at higher internet speeds. This offers many companies the opportunity to develop further in technology like augmented reality.

Augmented reality is used with mobile phones or tablets, to enlarge the world. Virtual reality brings other dimensions where it seems as if people are in a different reality. Together with 3D models, sounds, and videos, they create an immersive experience.

#5 Video marketing & advertising

Although this trend has been around for a while now, the use of videos is growing. Video is concurring the world. Video-focus platforms such as Twitch and TikTok are popular among generations. Many social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are also focusing on videos. On these platforms, video clips from live streams are being shared. Video advertising has many different possibilities with the growth of video usage on social media. It depends on your target group, but you can use different social media channels such as Facebook & YouTube to place video advertisements. 

Trend video marketing

#6 Marketing automation

With a combination of marketing communication and software technology, it is possible to optimize the customer journey even better. By automatically following up on conversions at the right time, you can motivate the consumer to take more action. This can be done, for example, to send a specific email when someone has downloaded something via your online media channels.

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