Share videos

Social Media Platforms

Share your finalized videos to all your social media platforms straight away. Simply connect an account, or even multiple, per social media platform and you’ll be sharing videos within seconds. 

  • Connect your Facebook, Twitter and YouTube account(s)
  • Choose between putting your videos live immediately or in draft first
  • Share to Instagram, Snapchat and more through our Mobile Application’s native sharing option.
Share your video clips directly to online platforms with SpotOn
Share your finalized videos to all your social media accounts platforms straight away.

Publish Locations

Besides sharing to social media, we can also publish your videos to private platforms; such as (s)FTP(s) or an AWS S3 bucket. We support these out of the box and all you have to do is fill in your connection info. 

Custom Integrations

If sharing to social media, or publishing to (s)FTP(s) or AWS S3 is not enough; we also offer the possibility to integrate with your custom platform(s) for you specifically.  By which you can easily import and/or export your videos through any transport method. Almost anything is possible!

Share clips directly to all your online platforms
Ziggo Sport Logo SpotOn

“Now we are the fastest and we have the content in HD. Of course no other social media account can compete with that.”

Tim Schwarte, Social Media Coördinator at Ziggo Sport

Get create and share videos within seconds!

We offer a 30-day free trial of our Basic plan, without any commitment required from your end. And once the 30-day trial ends, you’ll want to be using SpotOn forever, you’ll see! No installation required.